Tipp: Nicht jedes Foil passt zu Dir und deiner Sportart. Lass Dich beraten, damit du garantiert Freude auf dem Wasser hast So erreichst Du uns!
The C300 SURF stab is specifically designed for surfing & carving. Its arch shape allows the foil to roll and carve, which provides sharper turns and a smooth feeling, similar to traditional surfing. The area and thickness of the profile deliver easy and fast take-offs. It’s a steady and easy-going stab that suits pretty well the Gravity range.
Built in Pre-Preg Carbon and designed to be securely mounted on F-ONE fuselages, its profile and angle of incidence were tuned to achieve a very intuitive balance.
- Stability and easy take-off
- Smooth carving
- Rounded tips
Ref. 77207-0305