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F-ONE Foil Stab C300 Surf
F-ONE Foil Stab C300 Surf

170 CHF
inkl. 8.1% MwSt., zzgl. Versand (Paket)
Sofort lieferbar Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage
Im Laden verfügbar Standort: Goldau

The C300 SURF stab is specifically designed for surfing & carving. Its arch shape allows the foil to roll and carve, which provides sharper turns and a smooth feeling, similar to traditional surfing. The area and thickness of the profile deliver easy and fast take-offs. It’s a steady and easy-going stab that suits pretty well the Gravity range.

Built in Pre-Preg Carbon and designed to be securely mounted on F-ONE fuselages, its profile and angle of incidence were tuned to achieve a very intuitive balance.

  • Stability and easy take-off
  • Smooth carving
  • Rounded tips

Ref. 77207-0305


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